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Welcome to the Icelandic True Crimes Podcast - an independent bilingual podcast, focusing on Icelandic true crime cases with a historical and cultural approach.
The Icelandic True Crimes Podcast covers crimes ranging from the well known to the forgotten ones. Each case is discussed in TWO seperate episodes - one for Icelandic speaking listeners and the other one for English speaking listeners.
Iceland is known for its breathtaking landscapes - from spouting hot springs, ice blue glaciers, fields of lava and dancing Northern Lights - to ever-changing and unpredictable weather, erupting volcanoes and moving earthquakes. But this country also possesses great stories of its people, the descendants of Vikings who over a thousand years ago travelled from Norway and settled in the land of ice and fire.
If you’re into true crime, this is the podcast for you! It is a narrative podcast, with in-depth research as its basis, from facts obtained through publicly available content only; news articles, archives, court documents and reportings, historical material, and other existing documentations.
You can listen to the Icelandic True Crimes Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and any other podcast app, or stream directly from this website.
Producer / Host
Snorer / Sidekick
The Icelandic True Crimes podcast is produced and narrated by creator and host Margret Bjorns - who lives, works, and podcasts from Reykjavik, Iceland. She grew up on a farm, but moved to the Reykjavik capital city in her late teens. She’s now married with kids (and pets) but frequents her parents’ farm with her family.
She’s a true crime enthusiast with a particular interest in psychology and history. As an introvert / wannabe-extrovert, she enjoys alone time in the comfort of her home with black coffee, nail polishes and her pets, where she also records Icelandic True Crimes’ episodes, between binge-watching true crime documentaries, and doing her own digging into history, psychology and true crimes.
You may occasionally hear snoring hidden in the background of Icelandic True Crimes’ episodes - well, that’s Karma Dís the pug!
She’s a member of my big family, and is the boss of our home. She loves playing, zooming, goofing around, sleeping and hiking, stealing guests’ shoes… and teasing the cats! She’s huge on socializing, so wherever we go, she goes. Therefor, when I record each episode, she’s there by her mama’s desk sleeping in her bed.